

AAAABB BB CC CC DD DD EE EE AAAA BB BB CC CC DD DD EE EE 4~144~14 4~14 4~14 补气血透脓助气,去外带毒,避内毒。此法适用于外痈中期,正气不足,毒满,毒不能外露。此法适用于外痈中期,正气不足,毒满,毒不能外露。此法适用于外痈中期,毒满虚,不能运毒,疮疡。手足疖是一种发生在手足上的急性化脓性疾病,长在指尖的称为蛇头疖。手足疖是一种发生于手足的急性化脓性疾病。手足疖是一种发生于手足的急性化脓性疾病。生于肛管齿状线以上——直肠末端黏膜下的内痔静脉丛扩张、曲张形成的软性静脉团。生于肛管齿状线以上——直肠末端黏膜下的内痔静脉丛扩张、曲张形成的软性静脉团。生于肛管齿状线以上——直肠末端黏膜下的内痔静脉丛扩张、曲张形成的软性静脉团。褥疮性溃疡是指长期卧床不起的病人,由于身体的压力和摩擦而引起的皮肤溃疡。相当于西医里的“褥疮”,也就是褥疮,是指长期卧床不起的病人,由于身体的压力和摩擦而引起的皮肤溃烂。

相当于西医中的“褥疮”,也就是褥疮,是指长期卧床不起的病人,由于身体的重量和摩擦而引起的皮肤溃烂。相当于西医的“褥疮”。 也就是说,坏疽发生在四肢末端。在严重的情况下,脚趾是坏疽,发生在四肢末端。在严重的情况下,脚趾是坏疽,发生在四肢末端。一种慢性外周血管疾病。相当于西医的血栓闭塞性脉管炎和闭塞性坏疽。它是一种慢性周围血管疾病。一种慢性外周血管疾病。相当于西医的血栓闭塞性脉管炎和闭塞性动脉粥样硬化。硬化。主要穴位是手部督脉和阳明经。选取大椎、曲池、合谷、卫中、阿是穴为主。它起源于头部。督脉和手阳明经为要穴。选取大椎、曲池、合谷、卫中、阿是穴为主。它起源于头部。手阳明经的主要穴位。主要选用大椎、曲池、合谷、卫中、阿是穴。源于头面部者,加百会、头尾、孙;下肢起者,加血海、阴灵泉、内亭;热毒较重者,加食玄或十二井止血。所有穴位都是针灸,用于腹泻。面加百会、头尾、太阳; ,银灵泉,内婷;若热毒较毒,可加石璇或十二井刺血。

所有穴位均采用泻法针刺。面,加百会、头尾、孙;下肢加血海、引灵泉、内庭;为热毒,加施玄或十二井穿刺止血。所有穴位均采用泻法针刺,大椎、未中、石玄、石极井、太阳、百会、头尾可用三棱穴刺破出血,局部皮损阿是穴可用针刺。三棱针灸。刺出血。大椎、未中、石玄、十二经、太阳、百会、头尾穴均可用三棱针穿刺止血,皮肤病损局部的阿是穴可用三棱针穿刺止血。大椎、未中、石玄、十二经、太阳、百会、头尾穴均可用三棱针穿刺止血,皮肤病损局部的阿是穴可用三棱针穿刺止血。阳气过热,过热是火,过热,过热是火刺血拔罐治疗蛇盘疮,过热,过热是火,过火是毒,过火是毒,当火旺,火是毒的,所以要清除火毒,必须净化阳气。督脉是阳脉之海,所以除火除毒,必须净化阳气。督脉是阳经之海,阳明经是气血较多的经脉。阳气在三阳经中最为旺盛,在三阳经中阳气最为旺盛,在三阳经中阳气最为旺盛,故此病宜取督脉。阳明经为要穴。大椎为督脉与诸阳经的交汇点,曲池、合谷为手阳明经的要穴,三穴合用可清阳清火。主持人。大椎为督脉与诸阳经的交汇点,曲池、合谷为手阳明经的要穴,三穴合用可清阳清火。主持人。大椎为督脉与阳经的交汇点,曲池与合谷为手阳明经的穴位,三穴合用可清阳化火解毒。 ,这是最合适的。

本病在血,经络各穴处及局部皮损处有刺痛或散血,可直接清血分热毒,使热毒为血。最好的。病在血中,经络各穴处及局部皮损处有刺痛或散血,可直接清血分热毒,使热毒为血。 病位在血中,经络各穴位及局部皮损处点刺或散血,可直接清血分热毒,使热毒(222)刺拔罐法) :选择局部皮损阿是穴,用三棱针散刺或用皮肤轻敲止血,刺后加拔罐。拔罐。) 经络穿刺拔罐法:选择皮肤局部阿是穴患处,用三棱针散开或轻敲皮肤止血,刺后加拔罐。 ((((333)耳针)耳针)选择肾上腺、神门、耳尖、耳背静脉、皮损对应部位,适度强刺激,点刺耳尖和耳背静脉出血。肾上腺、神门、耳尖、耳背静脉、皮损相应部位、中度强刺激、耳尖、耳背静脉穿刺出血。穿刺出血。(((444)复发性丹毒)下肢复发,患处消毒后, ) 下肢复发性丹毒,患处消毒后, ) 下肢复发性丹毒,患处消毒后,用七星针或三星针轻敲尖针刺破患处皮肤,放血排毒,拔罐也可减少复发。

包头火丹、蚩尤丹禁用。用七星针或三棱针刺破患处皮肤,放血排毒,拔罐常可减少复发。包头火丸、蚩尤丸禁用。用七星针或三棱针刺破患处皮肤,放血排毒,拔罐常可减少复发。包头火丸、蚩尤丸禁用。 (111)乳房成瘾(breast fibroadenoma)是乳腺组织的良性增生性疾病。)乳腺癌(breast fibroadenoma)是乳腺组织的良性增生性疾病。 ) 乳腺癌(breast fibroadenoma)是一种乳腺组织的良性增生性疾病。 (222)特点:一侧或双侧乳房疼痛和肿块,大小不一,形状不一,表面光滑,质地不硬,推时移动,疼痛强度,肿块)特点:单侧或双侧乳房疼痛和肿块,大小不一、形状不一的肿块,表面光滑,质地不硬,推动移动,疼痛强度,肿块)特点:单侧或双侧乳房疼痛和肿块,肿块大小不一,形状不同,表面光滑,质地不硬,推的动作、疼痛的强度、肿块的大小与月经周期和情绪变化密切相关。大小与月经周期和情绪变化密切相关。大小与月经周期和情绪变化密切相关。 (肿块随心情消长,经前增大,经后缓解)(肿块随心情生长生长,经前增大,经后减轻)(肿块随心情消长,经前增大,经后缓解) ) (333)针灸治法:补肝肾,调冲任,益气化痰。

) 针灸治疗原则:滋补肝肾,调理冲任,助气化痰。 ) 针灸治疗原则:滋补肝肾,调理冲任,扶气化痰。 (444)主要取穴:关元、三阴交、足三里、五一、乳根、煎经、肾俞、甘) 主要取穴:关元、三阴交、足三里、五一、汝根、煎经、肾俞、肝) 主要取穴:关元、三阴交、足三里、五经、汝根、健经、肾舒、甘舒、潭中、凤龙舒、潭中、凤龙舒、潭中、凤龙(111)水疝是由睾丸或精索引起的阴囊或精索囊肿。精索鞘膜积液。相当于西医中的“睾丸鞘膜积液或精索鞘膜积液”)鞘膜积液是睾丸或精索鞘膜积液引起的阴囊或精索囊性肿块。相当于“睾丸鞘膜积液或精索鞘膜积液”。西医“睾丸鞘膜积液”)鞘膜积液是睾丸或精索鞘膜积液引起的阴囊或精索内的囊性肿块,相当于西医的“睾丸鞘膜积液或精索鞘膜积液”。。(222)治疗原则针灸原理:温经散寒、清热利湿、通络止痛) 针灸原理:温经散寒、清热利湿、通经止痛) 针灸原理:温经散寒,清热利湿,通络止痛。以任脉和足厥阴经为主。取穴:关元、大墩、三阴交、三角灸) 取穴:人脉、足厥阴经。主穴:关元、大墩、三阴交、三角灸(444)方宜:关元、大墩、三阴交——任经为病,内有七结,足三阴经入任经,肝经阴部和小腹,所以不管什么样的疝气都可以取。)方义:关元、大屯、三阴交——任脉有病,内结为七疝,足三阴经合于任脉,肝经阴气少胃,所以无论何种疝气均可取)方义:关元、大屯、三阴交——任经为病,内结为七疝气,足三阴经合于任经,肝经阴部,少焦,所以无论何种疝气,均可取任脉关元、肝大屯、三阴交。足三阴经相交的穴位:枇杷经络。

任脉关元、肝经大屯、足三阴经合穴三阴交:疏通经络。任脉关元、肝经大遁、足三阴经穴三阴交:疏通经络。大墩与三角灸——感效穴大墩、三角灸——感效穴大墩、三角灸——感效穴染毒邪,使毒流经经,病为继发。若火因病机有益:火毒凝于内,毒于手足,足湿蚀或皮损染毒邪,使毒流经经,则病为继发。若火会 病因病机:内有火毒凝结,手足有疔疮,足部湿蚀或皮肤受毒邪感染,使毒流经络而上而发病。是次要的。如果火徽走神,攻击五脏六腑,就可以成为发黄的证明。走开并攻击内脏可以成为发黄的证明。走开并攻击内脏可以成为发黄的证明。诊断:多发生在四肢内侧。大多数远端肢体有化脓性病变或外伤史。大多先在手脚生疖或皮肤损伤,有红、肿、热、痛。继既往诊断:多发生于四肢内侧。大多数远端肢体有化脓性病变或外伤史。大多先在手脚生疖或皮肤损伤,有红、肿、热、痛。其次是前者 诊断:多发生于四肢内侧。大多数远端肢体有化脓性病变或外伤史。大多先在手脚生疖或皮肤损伤,有红、肿、热、痛。然后前臂或小腿内侧皮肤上有一根或多根红线,手臂或小腿内侧皮肤上有一根或多根红线,手臂或小腿内侧皮肤上有一根或多根红线,并且快步走向树干。跑,向躯干方向快速跑,向躯干方向快速跑,上肢可停在肘部或腋窝,上肢可停在肘部或腋窝,上肢可停在肘部或腋窝处,下肢可停在腘窝或胯间,下肢可停在腘窝或胯间,下肢可停在腘窝或胯间胯部,或向上展开。


如果伴随一天左右,一般塌陷后更容易合上嘴巴。如果两个或三个地方串联起来,嘴巴会慢慢闭合。如果伴随几天左右,一般塌陷后比较容易闭嘴。如果两个或三个地方串联起来,嘴巴会慢慢闭合。如果伴有高烧、头晕、胸痛、咯血,则是黄疸的征兆。高烧、头晕、胸痛和咯血是黄疸的征兆。高烧、头晕、胸痛和咯血是黄疸的征兆。辨证论治( 辨证论治( 111) 内治:火毒入经:患肢有细红丝,全身症状较轻。苔薄黄,脉细弱。清热解毒,方用五味消毒饮加减。) 内治:火毒入经:患肢红线细,全身症状轻,苔薄黄,脉细弱。适用于清热解毒,用五味消毒饮加减。) 内治:火毒入经:患肢红线较细,全身症状较轻。皮毛薄而黄,脉微弱。适宜清热解毒,方剂为五味消毒饮。迅速蔓延至近端。全身发冷、高烧、烦躁、头痛、口渴。苔黄腻,脉数。清凉血清治疗,解毒入营:患肢红肿,迅速蔓延至近端。全身发冷、高烧、烦躁、头痛、口渴。苔黄腻,脉数。清凉解毒入营:患肢红肿,迅速蔓延至近端。全身发冷高热,烦躁,头痛,口渴。苔黄腻,脉细数。治寒血、解毒散结,用西焦地黄汤、黄连解毒汤、五味消毒饮。 、黄连解毒汤、五味消毒饮。

解毒,方剂为犀角地黄汤、黄连解毒汤、五味消毒饮。 ((((222)外治:先治疗原发肿瘤。若红丝薄,用Bianstone镰刀法,局部皮肤消毒))外治:先治疗原发肿瘤。若红丝薄,用獠牙镰刀法,局部皮肤消毒) 外治:先治疗原发肿瘤,若红丝较薄,可用獠石镰刀法,局部皮肤消毒后,用刀针将红丝折断顺着红丝的路径刺血拔罐治疗蛇盘疮,用拇指和食指轻轻捏住针孔周围,皮肤有轻微出血,或在红丝末端刺破,刺破后盖上太乙,用刀和针沿着红线的路径刺破红线,然后用拇指和食指轻轻捏住针孔周围的皮肤,使其有轻微出血。用太乙覆盖的地方,用刀和针沿着红线走,每寸切一刀,用拇指和食指轻轻捏住针孔周围的皮肤,引起轻微出血,或者在红线剪断的末端,将剪断处覆盖太乙软膏配赤丹。若结块化脓,切开引流,用八十二丹或九一丹药线引流,外涂红膏。串联者宜将药膏彻底切开,与红丹混合。若结成脓液,剪去脓液,用八十二丹或九乙丹药线引流,外涂红膏。串联者宜将药膏彻底切开,与红丹混合。若结成脓液,剪去脓液,用八十二丹或九乙丹药线引流,外涂红膏。如果是串联的地方,建议将相连的脓腔完全切开。脓水洗净后,用生肌散、白玉膏闭口,加化妆棉按压,加快疮口愈合。脓腔。脓水洗净后,用生肌散和白玉膏闭口。闭上嘴,用化妆棉按压,加速疮的愈合。

脓腔。脓水洗净后,用生肌散、白玉膏闭口,加化妆棉按压,加快疮口愈合。 (( ((33 3)针灸:用三棱针,沿红线从终点刺到起点)) 针灸:用三棱针,沿红线从终点刺到开始) 针灸治疗:用三棱针沿红线从头到尾刺入。 答:蛇串疮是一种急性皮疹,呈水疱簇状,呈分布状。呈条状,痛如火,相当于西医的带状皮疹,以皮肤为特征。呈带状分布。以皮肤为特征。 答:蛇串疮是一种急性皮疹性皮肤病,表现为皮肤上成簇水疱,呈带状分布,痛如火。相当于带状 ra sh 西医。它的特点是皮肤上出现红斑和水泡,像一串串珠子,经常出现在腰部周围。本病又称腰伤火丸,或火疮、蛇丸、蜘蛛疮等。皮肤上有红斑和水泡,如串珠,每次绕腰时出现。此病又名腰伤火丸,或火疮、蛇丸、蜘蛛疮等。上面有红斑和水泡,像一串串珠子,每次绕腰就出现。本病又名缠腰火丸,或火疮、蛇丸、蛛疮等。辨证论治:辨证论治:辨证论治:(((111)内治:肝经热:皮损鲜红,水疱壁紧绷,灼热刺痛,口苦咽干,烦躁易怒,腹泻或尿黄。烦躁,腹泻或尿黄。

舌红,苔) 内治:肝经热:皮损鲜红,水疱壁紧张,灼热刺痛,口苦咽干,烦躁易怒,腹泻或尿黄。舌质红,苔薄黄或厚黄,脉滑数。治疗宜清肝火,解热毒,方用龙胆泻肝汤加紫草、板蓝根等。脾虚湿:色淡,水疱壁松,口薄黄或厚黄,脉滑数。治疗宜清肝火,解热毒,方用龙胆泻肝汤加紫草、板蓝根等。脾虚湿:色淡,水疱壁松,口薄黄或厚黄,脉滑数。治疗宜清肝火,解热毒,方用龙胆泻肝汤加紫草、板蓝根等。脾虚湿浊:色泽苍白,水疱壁松,不渴,食欲不振,腹胀,便溏。舌质淡,苔白或腻,脉缓或滑。治健脾除湿,方加减除湿胃苔汤。气滞血痰,口渴,食少,腹胀,便溏。舌质淡,苔白或腻,脉缓或滑。治健脾除湿,方加减除湿胃苔汤。气滞血痰 口渴,食少,腹胀,便溏。舌质淡,苔白或腻,脉缓或滑。治健脾除湿,方加减除湿胃苔汤。气滞血痰 皮疹消退后,局部疼痛持续存在。舌质黑,苔白,脉细。调气活血,止痛,用桃红四物汤制成香附、延胡索、妙珠、珍珠母、生沐颊,局部疼痛不常。舌质黑,苔白,脉细。调气活血,止痛,桃红四物汤用于香附、延胡索、妙珠、珍珠母、生沐颊,局部疼痛不常。


舌质黑,苔白,脉细。用于行气活血,止痛,桃红四物汤用于制作香附、延胡索、妙树、珍珠母、生木颊、磁石等。磁石等。磁石等。((( 22 2)外治:初外敷玉露膏;或外敷双白散、三黄洗剂、凉乳) 外治:初外敷玉露膏;或外敷双白散,三黄洗剂、凉乳剂)外敷:初涂玉露膏外敷;或外敷双白散、三黄洗剂、凉乳剂(((香油加饱和石灰水上清液)充分搅拌成乳香油和饱和石灰水上清液充分搅拌成乳状))每天涂一次,每天一次,每天33次;或将鲜马齿苋、玉蓉叶捣碎外用。李斯特破了,涂四黄软膏或清丽软膏外用;如有坏死,可用九乙丹换药。如果水泡不重复;或鲜马齿苋、玉蓉叶捣烂外敷。水泡破后,外用四黄膏或清丽膏;如有坏死,可用九乙丹换药。如果水泡不重复;或将鲜马齿苋、玉蓉叶捣烂外敷。水泡破后,外用四黄膏或清丽膏;如果有坏死,用九一换药。若水泡未破,可用三棱针或消毒针刺破,使水泡流出,止痛。如果破了,可用三棱针或无菌针刺破,使水泡流出,止痛。如果破了,可以用三棱针或消毒针破,让泡液流出,从而减轻疼痛。 (( (33 3) Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of filigree acupuncture: the method is to relieve fire and detoxify, clearing heat and dispelling dampness. Local) acupuncture and moxibustion treatment with filiform acupuncture: to relieve fire and detoxify, clearing heat and dampness as the method, local) acupuncture treatment with filiform acupuncture: to relieve fire and detoxify, clearing heat and removing dampness as the method, mainly select local acupoints.


Select the local circumference needle and the corresponding Jiaji point. For those with stagnant fire in the liver meridian, add Xingjian, Datun, and Yanglingquan; for those with damp-heat in the spleen meridian, add Xuehai, Yinbai, and Neiting. All acupoints are mainly used for acupuncture. Select the local circumference needle and the corresponding Jiaji point. For those with stagnant fire in the liver meridian, add Xingjian, Datun, and Yanglingquan; for those with damp-heat in the spleen meridian, add Xuehai, Yinbai, and Neiting. All acupoints are mainly used for acupuncture. Select the local circumference needle and the corresponding Jiaji point. For those with stagnant fire in the liver meridian, add Xingjian, Datun, and Yanglingquan; for those with damp-heat in the spleen meridian, add Xuehai, Yinbai, and Neiting. All acupoints are acupuncture using the purging method. The local acupuncture method for herpes is to prick one needle at the head and tail of the herpes band, and choose the purging method on both sides according to the size of the herpes band. The local acupuncture method for herpes is to prick one needle at the head and tail of the herpes band, and choose the purging method on both sides according to the size of the herpes band. The method of local acupuncture for herpes is to puncture the head and the tail of the herpes band with a needle, and select 11 points on both sides according to the size of the herpes band, and puncture the center of the herpes band along the skin. ; Large point, prick along the skin along the center of the herpes band; Datun and Yinbai are punctured with a three-edged needle to bleed. Yinbai was pricked with a three-edged needle to bleed. Yinbai was pricked with a three-edged needle to bleed. Local peripheral acupuncture can induce fire toxin out; Local peripheral acupuncture can induce fire toxin out; Local peripheral acupuncture can induce fire toxin out; Caused by the virus invading the nerve root, take the corresponding Jiaji point, take the corresponding Jiaji point, take the corresponding Jiaji point, straight needle the place where the poison and evil are left, can relieve fire and detoxify, clear the collaterals and relieve pain, which is in line with the “Internal Meridian” ” said, “Everyone who treats a disease must first treat the source of the disease.” It can relieve fire and detoxify, clear the collaterals and relieve pain. Dispelling fire and detoxifying, dredging collaterals and relieving pain, it is in line with the “Nei Jing” that “everyone treats diseases must first treat those who are born from the disease”.

If the liver meridian is stagnant and fire is very severe, add the liverjing point Datun, Ying (zi) point Xingjian, and the gallbladder meridian combined point Yanglingquan to clear the liver and gallbladder meridian fire toxin; if the spleen meridian is extremely damp and heat, the spleen meridian is good at clearing blood The sea of ​​hot blood is combined with Jing point of spleen meridian, Ying point of stomach meridian to clear the spleen and stomach, and Yanglingquan of gallbladder meridian combined with point Yanglingquan to clear fire poison of liver and gallbladder meridian. The sea of ​​hot blood is combined with Jing point of spleen meridian, Ying point of stomach meridian to clear the spleen and stomach, and Yanglingquan of gallbladder meridian combined with point Yanglingquan to clear fire poison of liver and gallbladder meridian. The sea of ​​hot blood is combined with the Yin-white of the Jing point of the spleen meridian and the inner court of the Ying point of the stomach meridian to clear dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach. Skin acupuncture Damp heat. Skin acupuncture Damp heat. Skin acupuncture: Take the local area of ​​the herpes and the corresponding Jiaji point, use moderate to severe tapping method, with the degree of local microbleeds, cupping can be done after tapping. The three-edged acupuncture method is to take the local area of ​​the herpes and the corresponding Jiaji point, and use the moderate-to-severe tapping method, with the degree of local microbleeding as the degree, and cupping can be performed after tapping. Three-edged acupuncture: Take the local area of ​​herpes and the corresponding Jiaji point, use moderate to severe tapping method, with local microbleeds as the degree, and cupping can be done after tapping. Three-edge acupuncture method to select the herpes bureau Select the herpes bureau to select the herpes local area and the corresponding Jiaji point, break the herpes one by one, and drain out the blood. Acupoints, break the herpes one by one, drain out all the blood and water, prick the corresponding Jiaji point for bleeding, cupping can be done after pricking the blood, the next day, at the corresponding Jiaji point, break the herpes one by one, and drain out all the blood and water, then the corresponding Jiaji point Bleeding from puncture, cupping after pricking, 11 (222)milk stagnation, obstruction of milk collaterals, stomach heat and liver stagnation.

) Milk stagnation, obstruction of milk collaterals, stomach heat and liver stagnation. ) Milk stagnation, milk collateral obstruction, stomach heat and liver stagnation. (333)Treatment principle: clearing heat and detoxifying, clearing milk and permeating pus.) Principle of governance: clearing heat and detoxifying, clearing milk and permeating pus. ) Treatment principle: clearing away heat and detoxifying, clearing milk and pus. ) Point selection: Main point: Taichong) Point selection: Main point: Taichong Zusanli Zusanli Zusanli Inner court Inner court juicy root juicy root 膻中膻中葻中學jianjingjianjingjianjing Shaoze Shaoze Shao Zepi acupoints: extreme cold and heat: Jiahegu, Waiguan; breast tenderness: Jiazu is crying; chest tightness, irritability, bitter mouth and anorexia: Jiaqimen, Xingjian, Neiguan. Matching acupoints: extreme cold and heat: Jiahegu, Waiguan; breast tenderness: Jiazu is crying; chest tightness, irritability and irritability, bitter mouth and anorexia: Jiaqimen, Xingjian, Neiguan. Matching acupoints: extreme cold and heat: Jiahegu, Waiguan; breast tenderness: Jiazu is crying; chest tightness, irritability and irritability, bitter mouth and anorexia: Jiaqimen, Xingjian, Neiguan. Operation: purging method. Shao Ze used a three-edged needle to prick and bleed. Operation: purging method. Shao Ze used a three-edged needle to prick and bleed. Operation: purging method. Shao Ze used a three-edged needle to prick and bleed. Fangyi: The nipple belongs to the liver meridian of Jueyin, the breast belongs to the stomach meridian of Yangming, and breast carbuncle is caused by heat in the stomach and liver stagnation. Fangyi: The nipple belongs to the liver meridian of Jueyin, the breast belongs to the stomach meridian of Yangming, and breast carbuncle is caused by heat in the stomach and liver stagnation. Fangyi: The nipple belongs to the liver meridian of Jueyin, the breast belongs to the stomach meridian of Yangming, and breast carbuncle is caused by heat in the stomach and liver stagnation. Distant: Taichong: soothe the liver and relieve stagnation; Distant: Taichong: soothe the liver and relieve stagnation; Distant: Taichong: soothe the liver and relieve stagnation; Inner court: lowering stomach fire, clearing yang-ming stagnation heat Zusanli, inner court: lowering stomach-fire, clearing yang-ming stagnant heat Partially: milk root, mutton: dredging qi, relieving stagnation and clearing milk; local: milk root, mutton: sparse Regulating Qi, relieving stagnation and unblocking milk; Partially: Rugen and Tanzhong: Relieving Qi and regulating qi, relieving stagnation and clearing milk; Experience-effective acupoints: Jianjing: Unblocking the Qi mechanism of chest and flank (Foot Shaoyang Meridian follows the chest and passes through the seasons and flanks) Experience-effective acupoints: Jianjing: dredge the qi mechanism of the chest and flank (the foot Shaoyang meridian follows the chest and passes through the season) Experience effect points: Jianjing: clears the qi mechanism of the chest and flank (the foot Shaoyang meridian follows the chest and passes the season and flank) Shao Ze Shao Ze Shao Ze


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